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Home Page


Welcome to the class page for 6CE 24-25!

You can use this page to find out useful information about our class and to see some of the exciting things we have been doing. 


We are looking forward to sharing with you all the amazing things Year 6 has to offer, we will work hard throughout the year but also have great fun!



Homework is set on a Wednesday and should be returned on Wednesday.


P.E is every Friday

Please make sure your child has the correct PE kit and appropriate footwear. 

My Prayer for You


May the Father of Life pour out His grace on you;

may you feel His hand in everything you do

and be strengthened by the things he brings you through:

this is our prayer for you.

May the Son of God be Lord in all your ways;

may he Shepherd you the length of all your days,

and in your heart may He receive the praise:

this is our prayer for you.

And despite how simple it may sound,

I pray that His grace will abound

and motivate everything you do;

and may the fullness of His love be shared through you.

May His Spirit comfort you, and make you strong,

may He discipline you gently when you’re wrong,

and in your heart may He give you a song:

this is our prayer for you.

May Jesus be Lord in all your ways,

may He Shepherd you the length of all your days,

and in your heart may He receive the praise:

this is our prayer for you, our prayer for you.


Wednesday Word

Click on the link below to find this week's Gospel reading. Share this with your family and complete some of the activities afterwards.

Archive Class of 24

Homework can be found on the following: 


Maths - eedi.com, https://www.prodigygame.com/main-en/, https://ttrockstars.com/, 


Reading - readtheory.org


SPaG - https://www.prodigygame.com/main-en/prodigy-english/, https://www.spellingshed.com/en-gb/


children are also encouraged to read and complete the paper homework sent. 

Class Of 2024

Meet The Teachers 2024