Our Lady of Grace RC Primary School
Highfield Road
M25 3AS
TEL: 0161 796 7254
email: olog@bury.gov.uk
The Safeguarding Lead is Mr Collins (appointments can be made through school office)
The Special Needs Lead is Mr Barker (appointments can be made through school office)
If you are concerned about your child’s wellbeing for any reason, please do not hesitate to contact school on the above details.
Father Philip and the Senior Leadership Team support pastoral care, they work together on social, emotional and mental health issues. School often supports referrals to outside agencies where necessary.
The staff who work in the school office and deal with queries from parents and members of the public are:
Mrs Barmby - Office Manager
Mrs Wilson
Our Senior Leadership Team is as follows:
Mrs Casey Headteacher
Mr Collins Deputy Headteacher
Mr Barker SENDCO / Phase Leader
Mrs Harrington Foundation Phase Leader (Nursery & Reception)
Mrs Collins Phase Leader (Years 1 & 2)
Miss Gray Phase Leader (Years 3 & 4)
Mrs Smith Phase Leader (Years 5 & 6)
If you need to speak to someone about your child’s wellbeing and you feel the class teacher is not suitable in the first instance, then please contact the appropriate phase leader. If you are unsure who to speak to please contact the school office who will advise you who can best help you.