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Playground Improvements

Mrs Casey is keen to improve the playground environment here at Our Lady of Grace.  Keep checking this page to keep up with the latest developments!

This summer we have updated the playgrounds for our Nursery, Reception and Year one children to enjoy.

Trim Trail

We are excited to show our children the Key Stage 1 playground that has recently been fitted with a brand new play area.


Years One, Two and Three will be able to enjoy the new Trim Trail at break times throughout the day.

Playground Improvements.


The first phase of the improvement - New benches, markings and bins!


The second phase involves some new colourful fencing for the Key Stage 1 playground - Helping to keep our children safe.


During the final phase the school benefited from three exciting outdoor areas being installed.

  • The stage area to encourage drama and writing.
  • The magical reading area to inspire the children to read more.
  • The tyre park to motivate pupils to get active and develop skills.

"As stewards of God's creation, we are called to make the earth a beautiful garden for the human family." - Pope Francis.



At Our Lady of Grace RC Primary School,

we recognise the importance of wellbeing and stewardship.


As well as making the most of our garden areas in lessons, our children play an active role in looking after and improving our school grounds. Through gardening children learn to grow plants, recycle and how to protect wildlife.  Gardening is also excellent for physical health, mental well-being, social skills, behaviour and concentration. 

We have been awarded Level 3 RHS School Gardening Award.


Level 1

We planned our school gardening projects and we ran a Design Mary's Garden competition.


Level 2

We began to prepare the planting areas around school. Then we started growing plants and seeds after having a lesson on how to use tools safely. We also announced the winners of the Mary's Garden competition (See photographs below).


Level 3

We continued to look after the plants and started to grow vegetables in raised beds. We water the plants and weed the areas at lunch time.  We also started work on completing Mary's Garden with the help of the competition winners.


We are currently working towards Level 4 - To achieve Level 4, we need to be able to use tools professionally, grow and harvesting produce throughout the year, and beginning to fundraise for the garden

Mary's Garden Competition Winners