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The Governing Body



Please note:

  • The Foundation Governors of Our Lady of Grace are appointed by the Bishop of Salford.
  • Details of the committees each governor serves on can be found at the bottom of this page.
  • There are no relevant business interests to disclose for any governor.
  • An attendance register for both Full Governing Board and Committee meetings can be viewed at the bottom of this page. 

                                                                                                          Start of Term    End of Term


Foundation Governor Ex Officio:                        Fr P Caldwell             27.11.22             N/A


Chair of Governors & Foundation Governor:      Mrs J Edgar               01.09.20          31.08.24 


Foundation Governor:                                         Mr G Murphy              01.09.20         31.08.24


Foundation Governor:                                         Mrs M Lepki               03.03.23         02.03.27


Foundation Governor                                         Mrs C Gibb                 18.07.23         17.07.27


Foundation Governor                                         Mrs E Masud              01.09.20          31.08.24


Foundation Governor                                         Mr M O'Doherty          01.09.21          31.08.25


Elected Parent Governor                                   Mrs C Welbourne        01.09.20          31.08.24


Elected Parent Governor                                   Mr R Cahill                  03.04.23           02.04.27


Staff Governor:                                                  Mr T Collins                 07.11.22           06.11.26


LA Governor:                                                     Mr P Heneghan           31.08.20           30.08.24


Headteacher Governor:                                    Mrs A K Casey             01.09.14             N/A


Clerks to the Governors:                                   Mrs J McCoy & Mrs L Barmby               N/A



All correspondence for the attention of the Governors should be addressed to:


Mrs J Edgar

Chair of Governors

c/o Our Lady of Grace RC Primary School

Highfield Road

Prestwich M25 3AS


Tel: 0161 796 7254

E-Mail: olog@bury.gov.uk



Instrument of Government

The school was founded by and is part of the Catholic Church. The school is to be conducted as a Catholic School in accordance with Canon Law and the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, and in accordance with the Trust Deed of the Diocese of Salford.



Committee Membership 



Fr P Caldwell (Chair), Mrs A K Casey, Mr G Murphy, Mrs C Welbourne



Mrs J Edgar (Chair), Mrs A K Casey, Mr T Collins, Mrs C Welbourne, Mr G Murphy



Mrs M Lepki (Chair), Mrs A K Casey, Mrs J Edgar,  Mrs E Masud, Mr T Collins, 



Fr P Caldwell (Chair), Mrs A K Casey, Mrs J Edgar, Mr M O'Doherty, Mrs M Lepki


Premises/Health & Safety

Mr M O'Doherty (Chair), Mrs A K Casey, Mr T Collins, Mrs E Masud, Mr R Cahill



 Fr P Caldwell (Chair), Mrs A K Casey, Mrs J Edgar, Mrs C Gibb


                                                  ALL GOVERNORS LISTED HAVE FULL VOTING RIGHTS


Register of attendance at full governing body meetings


Full Governing Body Meeting Autumn 2023

Father P Caldwell, Mrs A K Casey, Mrs Edgar (Chair), 

Mrs Lepki, Mrs Welbourne,  Mr Murphy, Mr Cahill, Mrs Gibb, Mr Collins, Mr ODoherty, Mrs Masud, Mrs McCoy (Clerk)


Full Governing Body Meeting Summer 2023   

Father P Caldwell, Mrs A K Casey, Mrs Edgar (Chair), 

Mrs Lepki, Mrs Welbourne,  Mr Murphy, Mr Cahill, Mrs Gibb, Mr Collins, Mr ODoherty,

Mrs McCoy (Clerk)


Full Governing Body Meeting Spring 2023   

Father P Caldwell, Mrs A K Casey, Mrs Edgar (Chair), 

Mrs Lepki, Mrs Welbourne,  Mr Murphy, Mr Cahill,  Mr Collins, Mr ODoherty,

Mrs McCoy (Clerk)


Full Governing Body Meeting Autumn 2022   

Mgr J Allen, Mrs A K Casey, Mrs Edgar (Chair), 

Mrs O'Rourke, Mrs Welbourne,  Mr Murphy, Mr Heneghan, Mr Sweatman, Mr Collins

Mrs McCoy (Clerk)


Full Governing Body Meeting Summer 2022   

Mgr J Allen, Mrs A K Casey, Mrs Edgar (Chair), 

Mrs O'Rourke, Mrs Welbourne,  Mr Murphy, Mr Heneghan, Mrs Masud, Mr Collins

Mrs McCoy (Clerk)


Full Governing Body Meeting Spring 2022   

Mgr J Allen, Mrs A K Casey, Mrs Edgar (Chair), 

Mrs Welbourne,  Mr Heneghan, Mrs Masud, Mr Collins, Mr Sweatman, Mr O'Doherty

Mrs McCoy (Clerk)


Full Governing Body Meeting Autumn 2021   

Mgr J Allen, Mrs A K Casey, Mrs Edgar (Chair), 

Mrs O'Rourke, Mrs Welbourne,  Mr Murphy, Mr Heneghan, Mrs Masud, Mr Collins, Mr Sweatman

Mrs McCoy (Clerk)


Full Governing Body Meeting Summer 2021   

Mgr J Allen, Mrs A K Casey, Mrs Edgar (Chair), 

Mrs O'Rourke, Mrs Welbourne,  Mr Murphy, Mr Heneghan, Mrs Masud, Mr Collins,

Mr Sweatman, Mrs Devine, 

Mrs McCoy (Clerk)


Full Governing Body Meeting Spring 2021   

Mgr J Allen, Mrs A K Casey, Mrs Edgar (Chair), 

Mrs Welbourne,  Mr Murphy, Mr Heneghan, Mrs Masud, Mr Collins,  

Mrs McCoy (Clerk)


Full Governing Body Meeting Autumn 2020   

Mgr J Allen, Mrs A K Casey, Mrs Edgar (Chair), 

Mrs Welbourne,  Mr Murphy, Mr Heneghan, Mrs Masud, Mrs O'Rourke, Mr Collins, Mr Sweatman

Mrs McCoy (Clerk)


Full Governing Body Meeting Spring 2020   

Mgr J Allen, Mrs A K Casey, Mr Allerton, 

Mrs Gibb, Mrs Devine,  Mrs Masud, Mrs O'Rourke, Mr Collins, Mr Sweatman,

Mrs McCoy (Clerk)


Full Governing Body Meeting Autumn 2019  

Mrs A K Casey, Mr Allerton,  Mrs Gibb,

Mr Heneghan, Mrs Masud, Mrs O'Rourke, Mr Collins, Mr Sweatman,

Mrs McCoy (Clerk)


Full Governing Body Meeting Summer 2019 

Mgr J Allen, Mrs A K Casey, Mr Allerton,

Mrs Edgar, Mrs Gibb, Mr Heneghan, Mrs Masud, Mrs O'Rourke, Mr Collins, Mr Sweatman, Mr Warr, Mrs Barmby (observer),

Mrs McCoy (Clerk)


Full Governing Body Meeting Spring 2019 

Mgr J Allen, Mrs A K Casey, Mr Allerton,

Mr Warr, Mr Sweatman, Mrs Edgar, Mr Heneghan, Mrs O'Rourke, Mrs Devine, Mr Collins, Mrs Barmby (observer),

Mrs McCoy (Clerk)


Full Governing Body Meeting Autumn 2018 

Mgr J Allen, Mrs A K Casey, Mr Allerton,

Mrs Gibb, Mr Heneghan, Mrs Masud, Mrs O'Rourke, Mrs Devine, Mr Collins, Mrs Barmby (observer),

Mrs McCoy (Clerk)


Full Governing Body Meeting Summer 2018 

Mgr J Allen, Mrs A K Casey, Mr Allerton, Mrs Gibb, Mr Heneghan, Mr Warr, Mrs Edgar, Mrs Masud, Mrs O'Rourke, Mrs Devine, Mr Collins (observer),

Mrs McCoy (Clerk)


Full Governing Body Meeting Spring 2018  

Mgr J Allen, Mrs A K Casey, Mr Allerton,

Mrs Gibb, Mr Heneghan, Mr Warr, Mrs Edgar, Mrs Masud, Mrs O'Rourke, Mrs Devine, Mr Collins (observer),

Mrs McCoy (Clerk)


Full Governing Body Meeting Autumn 2017 

Mgr J Allen, Mrs A K Casey, Mr Allerton,

Mrs Gibb, Mr Heneghan, Mr Warr, Mrs Edgar, Mrs Masud, Mrs O'Rourke, Mrs Devine, Mr Collins (observer),

Mrs McCoy (Clerk)


Governing Body Code of Conduct