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School Prayers

The children learn many different ways to pray and many different prayers at school. Below are the prayers that our children first learn to recite every day:


Our School Prayer

This is our school.

Let it be full of love, love of one another,

Love of life itself,

But most of all, the love of Jesus Christ, Our Lord.



Our Morning Prayer

O my God, I give to you,

All that I think or say or do.

All my work and all my happy play,

I will give to God today.


Grace Before Meals

Bless us O Lord,

Bless our food,

Bless those who make it for us,

And please give food to the hungry.



Grace After Meals

(Sung): We thank you God, for all our food,

We thank you God for all our food,

For our breakfast, dinner and supper,

We thank you God for all our food.



Thank you God for the World so sweet,

Thank you God for the food we eat,

Thank you God for the birds that sing,

Thank you God for everything.



Home time Prayer

We thank you God our Father

For all that you have done.

For loving us so dearly

For loving everyone.



Glory Be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be,

World without end.
