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"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Philippians 4:13


Our Prayer Table

Wednesday Word

Click on the link below to find this week's Gospel reading. Share this with your family and complete some of the activities afterwards. 

Welcome to the Class Page for Y5S. You can use this page to find out useful information about our class and to see some of the exciting things that we have been doing. There are also some links below that will be helpful for you to complete homework tasks. Make sure that you keep checking this page to see if we have added anything new for you. 



Maths and English homework will be set each Monday and marked on the following Monday.

Spellings will also be tested every Monday; new spelling lists will be sent home every Tuesday. The new list can also be found on Spelling Shed, which will automatically update each Monday.

Arithmetic tests may be handed out on a Friday for extra practice.

Reading books will be changed frequently. Please bring these to school every day.




PE lessons will be on a Thursday.  Please make sure your child has the correct PE kit and appropriate footwear. 

November is the Month of the Holy Souls

During November, we have been praying for those who have died. We wrote some of their names on candles to put in church so that the people of the parish can pray for them. Father Philip has placed envelopes at the back of church in which we can put a list of the names of our loved ones like the one below.


Remembrance Assembly 2024

We have also done some lovely art work to commemorate Remembrance Day. Here is our display showing what a super job the children did, along with some special prayers that they wrote for those who have died in wars. 

Arithmetic and multiplication tables links - play these games at home to sharpen your skills!