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Able, Gifted & Talented Pupils

Our Lady of Grace is committed to creating an ethos where high achievement for all is expected, valued and celebrated. 


We recognise the wide range of abilities that our children have. More able children are children who are performing above the level of their peers. 


Our Lady of Grace is a member of the National Association for Able Children in Education (NACE).


All staff work together, managing school's provision for more able children.  Some of the areas which have seen improvement include:


1.  Policy 

School has in place a 'More Able Agreement' 


2.  Staff Handbook

School handbook compiled by whole staff with reference to school approach to more able children.


3.  Identification

There are clear procedures for identifying more able children.


4.  Experiences

Big Thinking club for more able children implemented. Library visits for all children but with a focus on the more able. Debating Club.


5.  Celebration 

Star Writer awards/display and new trophy cabinet are just two of the initiatives introduced to raise the profile of high achievement.


6.  School Development Plan

Close monitoring of the progress of 'vulnerable groups' including the more able selected as a key priority.