Each year, staff, children & families take part in an Anti Bullying & Kindness week.
During the most recent week we concentrated on the following:
1. Kindness Challenge Checklist - See video link below. Children handed in completed forms and were entered into a raffle!
2. Kindness Flower - Children decorated a kindness flower. A whole school display was created from some of the best examples.
3. Kindness Tree - Kindness trees were displayed in classrooms and children decorated completed Heart cut outs filled with random acts of kindness. Pictures below
4. Kindness is My Super Power by Alicia Ordego - Children listened to the story and explored the rhyming patterns/syllables. Some even wrote their own verses? Link below.
1. Anti Bullying Alliance - All children watched an introduction video. Link below
2. BBC Teach Live Lesson - Make a noise about bullying - Children watched the live broadcast & completed activity sheets.
There were also Key Stage Assemblies on the topic and we all wore blue for Anti Bullying Day.