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Our Lady of Grace strives to teach a broad and well balanced curriculum and is fully committed to preparing our pupils for life in Britain today.  Every child is taught to respect all people, faiths and communities. The document below gives further details on the Curriculum of Our Lady of Grace RC Primary School.

Curriculum Agreement


The curriculum consists of all those activities designed to promote the intellectual, personal, spiritual, moral, cultural, social and physical development of the pupils. The school follows the Early Years Foundation Stage with Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 pupils following the National Curriculum.


Each term parents receive a Curriculum Overview providing details of their child's curriculum for the term.  These are also posted on the website in Curriculum / Curriculum Overview.


Useful Links:








Religious Education is a huge part life at Our Lady of Grace RC Primary School.  As well as the formal lessons the children receive they also engage in a number of religious events and activities across the whole curriculum such as class masses, assemblies and charity events. We feel it is important to express that religious education is not a discrete subject - it happens all the time, Christ is at the centre of all we do. 


To support our teaching throughout the school we use the Religious Education Scheme ‘Come and See’ supported by aspects of the previous scheme of work The Way the Truth and the Life and other materials authorised by the Bishop. The children experience creative and stimulating lessons in which their ideas, thoughts and questions are welcomed.


You can obtain more information on Come and See by clicking here


You can obtain more information on The Way The Truth & The Life by clicking here



The R.S.E Policy can be found in Key Information / Key Policies



Best behaviour supports best learning. Our Lady of Grace is a school with high standards of behaviour and parents are asked to play their part in supporting the school to this end. Pupils are expected to behave in accordance with our School Rules. The governors have an agreed policy on school behaviour.  We strive to help the children to learn to live together in a caring community by:


  • Showing self-respect and respect for one another
  • Making the school a welcoming place which everyone is proud of
  • Ensuring that the classroom environment promotes outstanding learning
  • Moving around the school in an orderly manner



Play is the principal means of learning in early childhood. It is the way children express what they are finding out about the world in which they live. Play is activity with purpose. During play, children explore relationships, use their imagination and encounter rich sources of language. They are able to experiment and interact with their environment. They have opportunities to be creative and to develop an awareness of the world that surrounds them. In these ways they become self-confident and self-motivated. The more varied the possibilities for play, the more enriched will be the children’s experiences. Our children receive many opportunities to engage in planned structured play activities.



Teachers carry out regular informal assessments about the progress of every child in our school. 

Parents also have the opportunity to discuss their child's progress at parents' evenings throughout the year.


Formal external assessments:

EYFS (Baseline)

Year 1 (Phonics)

Year 2 (SATS) & Writing Moderation

Year 4 (Timestables)

Year 6 (SATS) & Writing Moderation.


Each year a formal report is given to parents. This includes information regarding attainment and progress.




We hold a variety of curriculum information sessions in school for parents.


If you require further information on the Curriculum at Our Lady of Grace, please email olog@bury.gov.uk, for the attention of your child's class teacher who will be happy to help.