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Growing in Faith Together (G.I.F.T) Pupil Chaplaincy Team

“I came so that you may have life, and have it to the full.”

– John 10:10


Older Pupils have the opportunity to serve the school as part of our Chaplaincy Team. Children are asked if they would like to apply for this important position which requires a commitment to sharing knowledge of our faith and the love of God with all the members of our family. When chosen the new members are welcomed and mentored by the Y6 members of the team. They are then Commissioned.

The Chaplaincy team play a vital role in the Spiritual life of the school and are supported by the R.E. Lead Mr. Barker and all staff.

This year our Chaplaincy team have been given special badges so that they are easily identifiable.

The Chaplaincy Team have many responsibilities and perform them diligently throughout the year. They are:

  • To support the spiritual life of the school through Liturgy and Prayer
  • Encouraging all our school community to live out our faith in their daily lives
  • Develop positive relationships with and beyond the school community
  • Developing stronger links with the Parish.

Our Chaplaincy Team has earn the Faith In Action Discovery Pin - Well done!

Presentation of Chaplaincy Team 2024

Harvest Assembly 2024. Led by Chaplains.

KS1 Assembly - Chaplaincy led

Peace Garden Collective Worship - Chaplaincy led.

Chaplaincy team working with EYFS to support with Collective Worship

Before the Year 3 children completed their First Holy Communion, the Pupil Chaplains visited them in their classrooms to answer any questions the children had about this special day. This eased any worries the Year 3 children may have had and lots of happy stories were shared.




In December the Pupil Chaplain team led an Advent prayer reflection service for teachers before the start of the school day. The service was beautiful, well done Pupil Chaplains!


The children also led Lunchtime Advent prayer groups for the children. Children from Foundation -Year 6 were invited to find out more about Advent. They completed Art and Drama activities and everyone had lots of fun.



Pupil Chaplains attended St Mary's, Bamber Bridge for the Beacon of Hope Day with the Right Rev John Arnold, Bishop of Salford. It was a day of celebration for the GIFT chaplaincy teams. Following on from this the children led an assembly to introduce the school to Hope in the Future. Pupil Chaplains regularly support our faith through assemblies (involving readings, role play, collective worship) and lunchtime prayer groups.

During Lent the Pupil Chaplaincy Team planned and delivered lunch time prayer clubs for the Phase 2 children.


During Holy Week they visited the local nursing home and delivered Easter cards they had made. Before leaving the children read a piece of scripture (Mark Chapter 9 verses 2-10). The children chose a word or phrase from the reading to take with them and thought about how it related to the visit. This activity is known as 'Walking with the Word.'


The Pupil Chaplains also enjoyed taking part in Easter meditation sessions.


Please see below a report by the children on a very special day this week. 

'On the 29th November, the Pupil Chaplains were invited to Salford Diocese to be trained for this important role. While we were there we talked about what chaplaincy means and where the meaning of chaplaincy comes from. The people we met were very very inspiring. The last thing we did was to go to the Commissioning Service, where we received a certificate and a special blessing! We had a wonderful day'.