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Spring is here and Summer is on the way. Y3 giving thanks by singing one of our favourite hymns. Ladauto Si. Enjoy!

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Mrs Casey's Hot Chocolate Meetings went down a treat in the cold temperatures outside for our children chosen for excellent behaviour.

Mrs Casey's special Hot Chocolate Meetings brought smiles to those children chosen for 'Good Manners and Respect'.




Another Hot Chocolate Meeting for those children chosen for 'Excellent Behaviour' excitedly visit Mrs. Casey's office for a hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows.

A round of Hot Chocolate Meetings has once again seen lots of smiling faces heading to Mrs Casey's Office for a Hot Chocolate (with of course cream and marshmallows). 

This was to treat those children with impressive 'Team Spirit' in and around school.

Consultation from Bury Council Admission

Rest in Peace Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II



Latest Risk Assessment Document

Bury Council Letter - 22 October 2021

Anti-Bullying & Kindness Week


The children loved completing the Great Kindness Challenge where they had to fulfill tasks such as 'smiling at 25 people' and 'saying thank you to the kitchen staff at lunch time'. 


Everyone wore Blue on Anti Bullying Day to show that we are all friends here at Our Lady of Grace!

Anti Bullying & Kindness Week


Bury Council Update - Academic Year 2021


Holy Communion

Thanks to the hard work of both the Parish and School,Year 4 children were finally able to receive their First Communion and celebrate this important day properly. Please follow the link below to see some of the lovely photographs taken. 

Another round of Mrs Casey's Hot Chocolate Meetings has seen lots of excited children arriving at the Headteacher's office for a chat over a hot chocolate (with cream and marshmallows of course!).

To help to promote British Values we invited local MP Ivan Lewis into school to speak to the children about democracy. Mr Lewis was very complimentary about the intelligent and thoughtful questions the children posed and said 'he thouroghly enjoyed visiting Our Lady of Grace'.

Ever heard of the sport Boccia? Boccia is a precision ball sport and related to bowls. The name "boccia" is derived from the Latin word for "boss" Below is our Boccia Squad who have recently qualified for the regional finals. Well done children!

Get Out! Call us Out! Stay Out! The Greater Manchester Fire Service visited school to teach the children how to stay safe.

Order! Order! Local Barrister Mr Lister was kind enough to pop into school to talk with the children about the inner workings of a court room!

A local artist Hugh Templeton has been working with the school. This contributed to the school being awarded an Arts Mark Award recently.

Robin Hood and his band of merry men came to school to celebrate World Book Day.

Mrs Casey enjoyed hosting her popular Hot Chocolate Meeting, the children nominated by staff for their understanding of the importance of showing 'Faith in Action'.

The whole school recently attended a celebration assembly where the Year Six children were awarded their Gold Ties in recognition of how they live our school mission.

The Y6 children had a wonderful time at Condover Hall in Shropshire. They particularly enjoyed testing themselves on the Ariel Challenge and spending time with their friends away from home. The children were a credit to the school and received numerous comments of praise from the instructors about their excellent behaviour.

Our Lady of Grace competed in the annual athletics extravaganza which is 'The Gabriel Cup'. The sun shone and children, staff and parents all enjoyed an afternoon of high quality sport. The event was organised by Mr Cihlar and held at Parrenthorn High School. We were delighted to come away with the Lower Junior Winners Trophy!

The winner of the half term Laudato Si Conservation Club Challenge with her prize - a new book 10 Ways I Can Change the World! by Melanie Walsh

The Conservation Club had a wonderful day at The Blue Planet Aquarium in Cheshire learning about Rainforests and Conservation. The children have also led a whole school assembly to promote 10 easy ways we can all help to look after God's world.

Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission - Letter to Parents

The Big Thinking Club had the opportunity to showcase their new debating skills in an assembly in front of the whole school. We were able to enjoy listening to well thought out and persuasive arguments on a range of topics including 'Should school uniforms be banned?'

THe children have been busy updating the displays around school. The theme was God's wonderful world and they used pointilism techniques to create these fantastic paintings.

The cross country team competed in the annaul cross country event at Heaton Park. Out of the 12 schools who entered the Our Lady of Grace Boys Team finished 1st and the Our Lady of Grace Girls Team finished 2nd. Well done children!

Message from Public Health England


There is currently a measles outbreak in Greater Manchester that we have been involved in managing and we and trying to promote the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccination across all communities for all ages.

Measles is a highly infectious disease caused by a virus that can lead to serious complications such as liver infection (hepatitis), squints in the eyes, infection of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord (meningitis) or infection of the brain itself (encephalitis).

Complications of measles are more likely to develop in certain groups of people. These include:
• Babies younger than 1 year old
• Children with a poor diet
• Children with a weakened immune system (such as those with leukaemia)
• Teenagers and adults

If you're not immune to measles and become infected while you're pregnant, there can be a risk to the baby

You can protect yourself and your family by having 2 doses of the MMR vaccine which is safe and effective. The MMR vaccine is not just for children, it can be given to adults too. More than one in three measles cases are hospitalised and the risk increases to more than 50% in adults over 25 years.

If you, your staff or students are unsure whether you/ they have had 2 MMR vaccinations, please contact your GP practice to check your vaccination history and they will be able to recommend MMR vaccination if needed.

We received a lovely letter (below) from Ivan Lewis MP to congratulate us on our KS2 results in 2018.

Mrs Casey enjoyed hosting her popular Hot Chocolate meeting, the children nominated by staff for their understanding of the importance of showing "Excellent Behaviour"

The children and staff enjoyed taking part in The Great Kindness Challenge 2019. This is a global initiative to promote kindness across the world. The children took part in a range of activities including assemblies, making kindness chains and completing kindness challenges such as ‘smiling at 25 people’, ‘learning something new about their teachers’, ‘saying prayers for children in different countries’ and ‘sitting with someone new at lunch time’. It has been great to see everyone at school pulling together to make Kindness Week such a huge success!

The whole school really enjoyed Christmas Dinner Day. Thanks to all the hard work in the kitchen!

This whole school theme this year is kindness. Each class produced posters which showed how they were going to promote kindness this year.

Anti bullying week began with the children all wearing blue to show solidarity. Miss Skarratt also organised a workshop aimed at helping children become aware of the different forms of bullying which can be experienced while online.

Mrs Casey enjoyed hosting her popular Hot Chocolate Meetings for the children nominated by staff for their understanding of the importance of showing Kindness.

Another excellent remembrance assembly helped us to remember all who have given their lives for their country.Well done Year 5!

All the Y6 children have now received their Gold Ties in recognition of how they have demonstrated their readiness for their new responsibilities.

The children all brought in items to contribute to the Harvest Festival. Tins were given to Cornerstone (a charity supporting vulnerable adults) and fresh fruit and vegetables were delivered to local care homes.

A group of children attended an art workshop followed by lunch at Bella Italia and a performance of Sleeping Beauty by The Birmingham Royal Ballet. What a magical day.

Still image for this video

Look at some of the fantastic drawings the children produced at the Lowry Art Gallery!

At school we have been marking Black History Month by holding a special assembly and delivering class based sessions about the story of Rosa Parks. Children were encouraged to think about how Rosa's actions helped change the world for the better.

The Y6 children have been enjoying learning about how to stay safe while riding their bikes on the road.

Phonics workshops were offered to all the parents of the Foundation children. These sessions were designed to give parents a better understanding of how we teach children to read here at Our Lady of Grace.

Congratulations to our children who have become Mini Vinnies! Mini Vinnies is a Christian organisation which gets children to put their faith into action. They are part of the St Vincent de Paul Society (SVP). The children took part in a special Commissioning Assembly with Father Allen and Mrs Makin. Thank you to the parents who could attend the special assembly.

The Y3 & Y4 children have been visiting Bury Swimming Pool as part of their PE curriculum. The children have been improving their swimming skills and obtaining badges for 5, 10 & 25 meters!

Well done to the school football team on winning the Crofton Cup for the second year running!

Our Lady of Grace is proud to be a recognised Rainbows site. Rainbows Bereavement support is a well respected national charity having a proven, positive impact on the lives of children grieving a significant and often devastating loss in their lives.

Our Lady of Grace is proud to renew membership of the National Association for Able Children in Education. We are committed to providing provision for more able and talented pupils at our school.

The children (and staff) had an amazing experience singing as part of an 8000 strong choir at the Manchester Arena!

The children have been very busy preparing for Christ this Christmas

The whole school community pulled together and managed to donate 167 shoe boxes to Samaritans Purse!

October is when we learn about the Rosary. We started with the Joyful Mysteries & The Annunciation.

We have been advised by the health team that flu is circulating in the community, for further information please see below

The new stage was immediately put to use by the music service musicians. The children loved watching the performance in the sun!

Below is the article published by the Prestwich Guide on our trip to London!

Many congratulations to Miss Handley on successfully achieving the International School Award 2016 – 2019. It is testament to the whole school commitment to embed a rich and creative range of international work. Well done!


After so many sporting successes Mr Sutton installed a new trophy cabinet to display them all!

All the children contributed as we welcomed a local artist into school to create these lovely mosaics for the schools' new 'Peace Graden'

We were delighted to receive the Eco-Schools Silver Award. Well done to Mrs Jones and her Eco Warrior Team!

We had a fantastic 'Door of Mercy' assembly. The children offered up their personal intentions and walked through the Holy Door.

It was a pleasure to welcome Ivan Lewis MP to Our Lady of Grace during British Values week to talk to the children about democracy.

The children have enjoyed working with our artist in residence on the new mosaics for the courtyard.

Well done to the Enterprise Club who raised over £400 in their recent sale day!