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Sports Funding

Our Lady of Grace RC Primary School has receive £20000 (approx) for School Sports Funding.


This funding is part of an ongoing project to improve the provision of school sport and the health of our children.


Already the children at Our Lady of Grace are benefitting from fantastic new gym equipment and specialised sports coaching after school.


The school has purchased a new PE scheme of work and provided staff training so they deliver even higher quality gymnastic lessons.


The PE leader has sent questionnaires to all families to ascertain areas where we can direct future funding most effectively.


The impact of all the initiatives is also monitored by the PE leader as part of their role.


The Sports Lead compiles a report and a summary for Governors as part of their role which covers:


Breakdown of Spending




Swimming Data


Sporting Celebrations of note


You can view the report and summary by clicking on the links below.